Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Nasi Minyak Nonna Lita

1. Beras 2 1/2 cup
- washed, tossed
2. Water 3 cup (same cup as beras)
3. Bawang tumbuk
4. Halia tumbuk
5. Kayu manis, bunga lawang, cengkih, pelaga
6. Butter n olive oil
7. Susu cair
8. Serai

How to do it:
1. On hot pan melt butter and add on olive oil.
2. Stir up bawang and halia well.
3. Add in no.5.
4. Add in water no.2
5. Add all from pan into rice cooker pot with serai plus rice.
6. Add salt.
7. Stir gently.
8. Wait till dry to add susu cair and water(if it looks too hard or not cooked)

9. Wait n taste... hope kids loving it agian n again...

Friday, July 14, 2017

Sotong Hitam

1. Bawang merah
2. Bawang putih
3. Halia
4. Black pepper

1 to 4 blended

5. Sotong cut n salut with serbuk kunyit
6. Combined all blended into sotong
7. Heat up some oil
8. Add all in
9. Add serai n assam keping in

Note: sotong kena toss betul2 kering... nnt byk air

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Rendang itik Uncle Sam

1. Blend in
a. Serai
b. Bawang merah n besar byk
c. Bawang putih almost byk like bawang
d. Halia
e. Chili kering make red color
f. Chili padi

2. Mixed all blended in bowl with serbuk kunyit, rempah rendang...

3. Tumis some oil with kayu manis, halba, biji2 mixed with jintan manis, ketumbar, etc...

4. Add all mixed from the bowl n stir till minyak naik..

5. Put in itik and let it dry sebati...

6. When duck dry and cooked.. add in santan byk.. plus kerisik..

7. Stir stir till dry if itik not soft.. add water and cont stir...

Walllaaaa... good luck

Monday, April 17, 2017

Rendang Ayam tak pedas langsung

Resepi campak2... I pon kena rekod balik takut lupe:
1. Bawang merah or besar mayang2 n halia
2. Tomatoes 3 biji chopped
3. Kayu manis n the white thinggy

4. Tumis all 1,2,3 with oil till bawang caremalized...

Cut in serai after ketuk2 it...

5. Add jintan manis, putih n ketumbar serbuk...
6. Masukkan ayamm yg dah dibasuh n salut serbuk kunyit...n fry fry
7. Masuk air...cook till chicken hilang merahh
8. Add assam keping
9. I lupe garlic.. so i add serbuk garlic
10. Masukkan santan when chicken looks cooked..
11. Stir2 mcm ala2 masak rendang esk dah nak raya