Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Ribs Beef Stew Thermy

1. Marinate ribs with pepper nutmeg, cinnomon powder and salt. (Future try get cayyene n papprika powder too)

2. In thermy sautte onions in 3min/120c/sp2.

3. Add in the marinated ribs with thyme leaves, 7mins/120c/spoon/reverse.

4. Add chuck tomatoes, yellow onions, grated blackpepper, bay leaves, cinnamon stick, water not exceeding max level, ketchup; 1hr/veroma/spoon reverse.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Notes to study #mythermomixjourney

Not all cheese are halal as they use animal rennet where the animal are not slaughtered in halal way. Now lotsa cheese will write there “non animal rennet” 😉

And also like what Suraiya said, sometimes is the process where the fermentation will turn into alcoholic