A.Blend n tumis:
1. Bawang merah
2. Bawang putih
3. Halia abit
4. Fresh tomato
B. Rebus daging till empuk.
C. Add in 3 serangkai cloves..
D. Add in item A into sup.
Garnish: chinese celery n onion leaves
A.Blend n tumis:
1. Bawang merah
2. Bawang putih
3. Halia abit
4. Fresh tomato
B. Rebus daging till empuk.
C. Add in 3 serangkai cloves..
D. Add in item A into sup.
Garnish: chinese celery n onion leaves
1. Bawang merah
2. Bawang putih
3. Halia
Blend item dividde to 2...
1. For rebus with beef
2. For tumis and to be added later to the beef soup
3. Add in kayu manis, bunga lawa... white thinggy
Loving our kitchen as our 1st happy home.. it calmed us, united us, filled us..